AI Survival
This project was meant to explore different applications of artificial intelligence in games. I used narrow AI systems such as behavior trees, A* path-finding, and hive-mind tactics to control survivors in a simple Unity survival game.
Each character uses a behavior tree to dictate their actions, leading to more complex decision making.
This includes firing, fleeing, priority targeting, weapon switching, and searching for items.
The hive-mind can assign different behavior trees to each survivor to give them different roles.
A graph of one behavior tree.
The survivors use the A* path-finding algorithm to create a believable and strategic path to their destination. Each node on the map is weighted based on the number of enemies close by.
The AI controlled characters work together to find and collect items on the map. The hive-mind system assigns different roles to each survivor to defend and retrieve different items. For, example, the support characters will retrieve the health packs and bring them to the guards. The guards will defend the heath packs and retrieve more ammo.